
We’re free. We’re free to make decisions and choices tailored to the the life that we design, not the life that we stumbled in to. The story line is common, and has been told many times by others. Life is structured and predictable. School is followed by college, then by full-time jobs, marriage, a house, a family, and then retirement 40 years later to enjoy the fruits of your labor. This path is taught to  us at a very early age, and is linear in design. One must go in this order, or risk missing out on the great things in life.

We, too, were on this path. Raised in Minnesota, my wife and I moved to California for college. The plan: graduate, get careers, and be successful. After a few years in Sacramento, we moved on to Los Angeles.  We were young, and eager to grow professionally. So, grow we did. Our income increased, and so did our financial commitments. We bought toys, new cars, and a house. We felt pressure from our surroundings to earn more constantly, and it was easy to identify that this pattern is never ending.

Throughout our relationship, Kym and I prioritized travel at the top of our free time list. The world is accessible to those who choose to see it, yet many don’t. Every experience meant learning new cultures, different value systems, and a change of scenery. We learned that not every culture emphasizes fame and fortune, and it struck a chord with us. Our goal became to design a life based on what we value.

Our plan didn’t come in to place for many years. We had debts, and career goals that we still wanted to accomplish. We dabbled with starting a family, and when it didn’t go as planned we started to focus on the next chapter seriously. Do we take a year off to travel? Where do we go? What do we do with our pets? What about our careers? What sort of life do we want when we settle down again? We discussed many options until one made sense.

Let’s sell everything and travel until we can’t afford to any more. Let’s take time away from work, and fully immerse ourselves in the adventure. Let’s split our time RVing North America, and taking trips abroad to places that are difficult to do in a two week time period. Let’s be outdoors, meet new people, open ourselves up to possibility, and be free to go and do whatever we want to. And when we are done with that, let’s make an informed decision on where we want to live next.

So that is what we did, and are currently doing. We have a truck with a 5th wheel RV, two adults and three pets. We have two years of travel tentatively planned out, but  not firmly in place. We will go where we choose, and stay however long we would like to. We’re free, and with any luck, we’ll stay this way.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there (:

    My name is Jinapher. I am a fellow travel blogger over at thejinapher.com! You probably haven’t heard of me, because I’m pretty small and am just getting started. However, I’m working on an article right now titled “Road to Becoming a Travel Writer: How to Begin Budgeting for Long Term Travel”, and I would love to mention 33 and Free as a blog to check out. You have such great information for travel writers, and I feel that your blog should be mentioned. 

    I’m sure you’re probably wondering what I want, but I am asking for nothing. The post will go live sometime next week, and I will email you the link. Would it be nice if you shared it? Absolutely! But, that’s not why I’m reaching out. I’m reaching out because us travel bloggers should keep in touch.

    You can email me if you ever want to partner up on a post or if you just want to chat. I’m young at only 20, and I look up to travel bloggers like you. If you have any advice to give, I would love to hear it.

    Enjoy your day, and I look forward to reading more awesome content from you!

    Jinapher J. Hoffman

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  2. Congrats to you both for doing what you’re doing… being free. I’m in MN, have raised a family with my wife and now spend time w/ the grandkids enjoying life. I’m a hiker, camper and backpacker and I’ve been lots of places throughout the US and western Canada… and I too have a blog! ha! enjoy your travels… I’ll follow.


  3. Your write up about Goat Lake in Stanley Idaho is on point! We were just there in late July, 2017 and could not find any “accurate” information about the trail as you got closer to your destination. It was kind of a “free-for-all.” You had to just explore and figure it out. While I do enjoy exploring like that, I had my whole family including an 8 year old. They all did extremely well, however, a much more detailed analysis of the hike would have been appreciated. But, like you, could not find any. You did a FANTASTIC job of really explaining it all. Thank you! I will save and use for future reference!
    Star, Idaho

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  4. Hey I’m a new rver, 31 and looking to find an RV community on the road to meet up for adventures. I’m in the south west and wondering if you guys will be around.

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